Intelligenza Artificiale – Sondaggio UE
ATTENZIONE! la Commissione Europea ha pubblicato un sondaggio rivolto agli interessati alla normativa sull’intelligenza artificiale per un trattato mondiale tuttora in elaborazione.
Potete trovarlo a questo collegamento:
La scadenza per la sua compilazione cade oggi 20 ottobre.
Sebbene non sia particolarmente rilevante per l’AI Act (la legge europea sull’Intelligenza Artificiale) rimane comunque una buona occasione per far sentire la voce degli autori sul tema.
Ci sono tre domane particolarmente importanti:
– domanda 2 sul principio 11 – Risposta consigliata: Implement appropriate data input controls and audits.
– domanda 3 – Risposta consigliata: in these Guiding Principles, G7 Members also commit to develop proposals to introduce monitoring tools and mechanisms to help organisations stay accountable for the implementation of these actions. How this monitoring mechanism should look like?
(multiple answers possible)
– monitoring by an internationally trusted organisation
– national organisations
– domanda 4 – Risposta consigliata (l’Art. 1 del Manifesto EGAIR*): Any data related to people or works, in any form, be it digital data – such as text files, audios, videos or images – or captured from reality by camera, microphones or any other mean of registration, shall not be used to train Al model without the explicit and informed consent of its owner. We ask for an extension to the Als of the principles protecting personal data previously introduced by the GDPR and the introduction of a new form of protection specifically for this kind of exploitation: the “training right”. This protection establishes three alternative scenarios for Al companies when it comes to using a content for training: the impossibility of using said content without explicit consent of the holder; the authorization of the holder to use the content without restrictions; the authorization to use the content regulated by a licensing commercial contract between the parts with clear terms and conditions.
*EGAIR European Guild for Artificial Intelligence Regulation
Per chi ancora non abbia sottoscritto il loro manifesto, può farlo da qui: